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Animal Life

The Himalayas are home to a surprising number of mammals, birds, reptiles and even spiders.

As well as the majestic snow leopard, you can find the Brown Bear, Grey Wolf, Red Panda, Giant Panda, Indian Rhinoceros and even the Mighty Tiger!

In fact, it has been misidentification of animals such as the Langur Monkey, Tibetan Blue Bear or the Himalayan Brown Bear that has been proposed as an explanation for some of the many Yeti sightings (Pictured above.)

Legendary mountaineer Reinhold Messner claimed to have a face to face encounter with a yeti, and claims to have killed one. According to Messner, the Yeti is actually the endangered Himalayan Brown Bear or Tibetan Blue Bear, both of which can walk upright as well as on all fours. (Wikipedia.)

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