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Continuing our series of blogs about geology and medicine, this weeks' subject is copper.

Copper is an essential mineral found in plant life and in the human body, and it is also a metal alloy with a reddish-orange colour.

The health benefits of copper include proper growth of the body, efficient utilization of iron, proper enzymatic reactions, aswell as improved health of connective tissues, hair and eyes. It is also integral for preventing premature aging and increasing energy production.

Apart from these, regulated heart rhythm, balanced thyroid glands, reduced symptoms of arthritis , quick wound healing, increased red blood cell formation and reduced cholesterol are other health benefits of copper. (

The use of copper dates back over 10,000 years. It is used in currency (the U.S Penny), as a heat conductor, in medical instruments and has been used as a decorative coating of famous gates, such as the Temple of Jerusalem, sculptures and statues.... most notably the Statue of Liberty, the largest copper statue in the world!

As 100 percent of copper can be recycled without any loss of its original mined quality, over 80 percent of the copper mined since its discovery ten thousand years ago is still in use today! ( Photo courtesy of Google Images).

So all that change in your pocket and purse, could literally have been in use for thousands of years!

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