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Scientists find the origins of Gold

Hi Guys,

Here at The Emporium, we like to keep up to date with the latest goings on in the world, and indeed the Universe, and we like to share them with you.

Just recently, scientists have 'witnessed' a huge collision between two super-heavy Neutron stars, which literally shook the Universe, heralding what scientists call a 'new age' in astronomy.

The collisions have sent tremors through the Universe in the form of Gravity Waves, a phenomena long speculated about since Einstein, but only recently discovered in 2015. This collision was the first in history where the light was detected by telescopes, and the gravity waves were also detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) in the US.

The neutron stars , formed when massive stars explode in SuperNovas (the end of a stars' life), are so dense they weigh two or three times the mass of our Sun, even though they are roughly the size of a city on Earth.

A teaspoon of neutron star material has a mass of about a billion tonnes! (Yahoo News. Picture courtesy of Bing Images).

The waves have taken 130 million years to reach earth.

These collisions have now been proven to be the source of all heavy metals found on earth, including Gold and Platinum.

So, we here at the Emporium are out with our nets, waiting to catch some. After all, it has taken these metals 130 million years to get here, it's only right that we welcome them......

with open nets!

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